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Are you ready for the holiday season? Here are some quick tips to get ready for the busy season:

  1. Do you have an action plan for handling the amount of packages coming your way? Ask for input from your front desk and security teams at your next team meeting.

  2. Conduct a test run with your teams to make sure they all understand how to use your condo’s digital signature pad. Learn more here.

  3. Will your residents be away for the holidays or are you expecting many visitors this season? Maybe both. Decide now where you will store incoming packages and make sure everyone on your front desk team knows how your community’s automated notifications system works.

  4. Invite your residents to update their entry instruction details online. This will save your front desk and security personnel time and legwork when it comes to visitors during the holidays season. (Tip: you might even want to offer in-home package delivery for a limited time; this will alleviate front desk congestion!)

  5. Lastly, send out a newsletter to your residents asking them to submit any special instructions or requests they might have over the holidays.

Watch our webinar about parcel management in a COVID-19 environment and learn how to manage the unrelenting tidal wave of parcel deliveries. 

Parcel Management  Webinar

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