The Concierge Plus Blog

3 Ways to Simplify Your Condo Front Desk Operations - Concierge Plus

Written by Concierge Plus | Sep 23, 2018 12:00:00 AM

The Front Desk at any sized condo community is a bustling hub of activity. The concierge and security guards are busy fielding requests from residents, accepting package deliveries, greeting visitors, managing service calls, dealing with incident reporting and maintaining overall safety.

It’s a juggling act and even the best team can have a hard time keeping up once in awhile. Here are three quick tips to help you and your staff keep their heads above water during hectic times:

  1. Stay organized! Nothing is worse than a cluttered desk so make sure you only have the essentials in your front of house. Organize important printed forms or documents in a filing cabinet and be sure that all staff know how to locate them. Better yet, keep everything online in a safe & secure management platform that can be managed via laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

  2. Record Deliveries in One Central Place. Misplaced and mismanaged parcels are a common problem we hear a lot about. In addition to designating a central location to store all deliveries that are waiting to be picked up by residents, make sure residents are notified immediately either by SMS text or email when their package arrives. Additionally, our Entry Instructions feature allows residents to let Front Desk staff know if they can deliver a parcel to their unit.

  3. Automate Visitor’s Parking Why not simplify visitor parking with an automated system? Visitors can let the front desk or security know that they have arrived, and then receive a simple, printable ticket for display on their dash. It’s easy! 

Learn how your Community Association can increase the efficiency of parking enforcement and guest permits with real time and digital solutions. Watch our webinar about Visitor & Parking Management for Community Associations