Spring has officially sprung and with that, many people are thinking about cleaning out their condos! Property Managers too, are thinking about the warm weather and the changes that come with residents spending more time outside and in common areas.

Attention Property Managers: check out these three features—and quick tips—to help you make the most of your spring cleaning in the least amount of time.

  1. Parking Management

    Now more than ever (before those bicycles start appearing!) is the time to get on top of your Parking Management processes. If your bike storage area is indoors, check it for old or forgotten bikes and remind residents that they’ll need to update their information (unit number and contact info) in order to store their bikes in the garage. (Tip: you can use the Concierge Plus Unit & User Manager to update these important details!)

  2. Announcements

    Are some of your residents still deferring to paper-based communication? Invite everyone to commit to the environment this spring and go paperless. Send an announcement asking uses who have not yet logged in to do so. If they have trouble with their password they can either use the ‘Forgot my password’ tool on your home page or the ‘Re-Send Welcome Email’ tool in their user profile.

  3. Discussion Forum

    Our discussion forum is a great way for residents to keep in close contact with out the need for close contact. As a Property Manager you can start your own Forums and Threads to help guide the discussion and keep your community connected online. The Discussion Forum is a great way for residents to interact online with each other and still maintain a strong sense of community.

Learn how to communicate with your residents in an age when we are practicing social distancing and the benefits of hosting a virtual meeting. Watch our webinar titled Community Association Technology: Resident Communication, Virtual Meetings and Electronic Voting in a post-pandemic environment.



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