For more than 15 years, we have been committed to delivering exceptional customer service. That’s what sets us apart from other online property solutions providers—there really is a person on the other line! Rather than have valuable clients become frustrated with online support, one of our Customer Success Coaches will walk each client through our features, benefits, and processes when they first sign up. either in-person or on the phone via screen sharing. And that’s just the beginning. Here are three other ways we show how much we value our clients:
Innovation and leadership. We are a team of people who have genuine passion for technology and are excited about where it’s going! At Concierge Plus we endeavor to be a conduit of industry innovation and are proud of the solution we deliver to our clients.
We are the only provider that releases major feature enhancements based on customer feedback on a quarterly basis. We are always building our knowledge base. Customers can tell if a representative truly knows his or her product. At Concierge Plus, we’re always working together, as a team, to maintain not only up to date knowledge about the solutions we offer, but a keen understanding of the competitive landscape as well. It helps us articulate the benefits and uniqueness of the products and services we provide.
We meet our commitments. Customers want their suppliers to do what they say they’re going to do. It’s as simple as that. Attention to detail is critically important and so is following up. If your current condo management products are not delivering an exceptional return on investment, why not get in touch? Email us today at
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