Being out of town shouldn’t mean you’re out of the loop.

Sometimes condo owners find themselves in a position where they have to rent out their units for a certain amount of time. Maybe they are staffed on an out-of-town project for a year or so, perhaps they have opted to take a sabbatical, or, as retirees, they might be off to Florida for the winter. Whatever the reason, condo owners want to know that their home is in good hands while they are away.

For those with tenants, look for features like automated email updates when a maintenance request is made, online accessible community calendars, and downloadable community documents (so you can stay on top of board meeting minutes and proposed updates).

The same is true for folks who are moving in or out of a condo. Property Managers should have online tools that help update unit and resident data—particularly when it changes. Concierge Plus offers a feature that summarizes all resident information including contact details, deliveries, entry instructions, maintenance requests, amenity bookings, and visitor parking.

Don’t think it’s important to organize everything online? Listen to this: I once moved into a condo and the concierge team (who were not working with an online system) came to my unit at least seven or eight times requesting my basic contact information.

Each time I obliged and my details were taken down on a scrap piece of paper, and of course, they never recorded properly. Within a week or so, I could expect to be visited by someone else from the front desk team asking for my information… again.

Eventually the team did manage to record my number… just as I was relocating to another city! In fact, for months I continued to receive phone calls from the front desk letting me know that my pizza had arrived, a guest was waiting, or my taxi was out front—this was all after I had moved out of the building. This never would have happened had the process been managed online.

Whether you are an owner who needs to maintain up-to-date tenant records or you are moving in or out of a residential community, managing information online in a secure and accessible place will save everyone time, hassle, and legwork. So be on the lookout for a Resident Experience Management platform when you buy your next condo and if they don't have one, offer them a free demo on us by emailing 

An engaged community is a well-informed community

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